OK, we're off and running. Stay in touch with me about pacing. I want to move fast, but not too fast. To know the right pace, I need to hear from you all, privately or in class. I'll be handing out a QB problem set, in anticipation of a quiz on derivatives next Wednesday. These are not due on any particular day, do them as you are ready. We'll review them and other questions on Monday. See you in class,
Mr. Alei
HL 2 Assignments: Week of 9/10/12
Mon 9/10:
20A: #1-4,6 (Derivatives from first principles)
20B: #3-5 (Derivatives from first principles)
Wed 9/12:
20C: #1-6 last col all (Derivatives with rules - need to be able to do these fast.)
20D.1: #1bdf (Review composites (short))
20D.2: #1-4 all (Chain rule (review practice))
20E.1: #1-3 (Product Rule (review practice))
20E.2: #1-4 (Quotient Rule (review practice))
QB #1,5,8,9,14,16,17,19*
Fri 9/14:
20F: #1bd,2bd,3,4,5bd,6bd,7,9-13 (Tangents and normals)
20G: #1-4 (Higher derivatives)
QB 22,23,25*,39,41
(Coming up)
Mon 9/17: Review, QB 44,45,53,54
Wed 9/19: Quiz 1 - Derivatives
Calculus Unit Plan
Smartboard Notes: HL Calculus Notes
IB Practice: QB Calculus Differentiation Practice
The fine print: See sidebar at right for links to previous assignments. Click on linked assignments to download notes for that section. Dates above are when homework is assigned. It is always due on the following class meeting.
Updated 9/13/12 8:31 am Edline