With the initial vocabulary and ideas about probability out of the way, we begin on Monday with some important new definitions - independent and dependent events - as well as a deeper look at the amazing tool of tree diagrams. You will have a few ideas to work through over the rest of the week, but nothing too strenuous or challenging. See you in class,
Mr. Alei
SL 2 Schedule: Week of 11/19/12 (Last week - 11/12/12)
Mon 11/19:
15E.1: #1-6 (Compound events, independent events)
15E.2: #1-4 (Dependent events)
15F: #1-6 (Tree diagrams)
If you have time and are so inclined, you can look at QB: #1,2,3,8,16 (IB Practice)
Wed 11/21: Thanksgiving Holiday - prepare to eat
Fri 11/16: Thanksgiving Holiday - recover from eating
Stat/Prob Unit Plan
Smartboard Notes
Ch 14 - Statistics
Ch 15 - Probability
IB Practice:
IB Statistics Practice MarkScheme
IB Probability Practice MarkScheme
The fine print: See sidebar at right for links to previous assignments. Click on linked assignments to download notes for that section. Dates above are when homework is assigned. It is always due on the following class meeting.
Updated 11/17/12 10:26 am ManageBac Edline