Algebra 2        Pre DP        SL 1        SL 2        HL 2        Resources

Pre DP - 12/17/12

Finals time folks. Tuesday, 10:20 am in Room C2 with Natalie. Bring your formula sheet. Some notes:
  • It will cover our work from the first semester
  • Quadratic equations, graphs, and functions.
  • Vectors and parametric equations
  • No calculators will be needed (or allowed!)
  • Your work will be assessed for both the correct answers and your ability to communicate your thinking. As such, I highly recommend using a pencil and bringing a separate eraser.
  • Bring your own pencil and scratch paper. The proctor will not have these.
  • You may use one 8.5" x 11" formula sheet with handwritten notes on it.
  • You may not have enough time to do all the problems as thoroughly as you would like. Work strategically, doing the easy problems first. Pick the low cherries!
  • Remember that if you get stuck on one part of a problem, you can often still succeed on following parts. Use the results given in "show that" problems to help you continue.
For all your finals:
  • You must stay in the exam room for the entire 90 minutes.  Bring a journal or something to read in the event that you finish early.
  • Arrive and be prepared to begin the exam 5 minutes before it is scheduled to begin.  If you arrive 20 minutes or later after the scheduled time you will not be allowed to begin the test and will have to reschedule.
  • No cell phones or electronic devices will be permitted.  Use of a cell phone during the exam will result in an F.
  • Use the bathroom before the test
Some hints for reviewing
Go through your notebook and summarize key formulas and ideas
Review your Quadratics Quiz
  • Know the three forms of a quadratic function or equation and how to algebraically change between them. Understand when and how to apply them in different situations.
  • Know what the discriminant is. Understand how to use it to understand quadratic equations
  • Know what roots, vertex, axis of symmetry and y-intercept mean and understand how to find them and use them to help graph a function or to find the equation of a function.
  • Review your Vector Partner Study
Vectors - all of the below is applicable to both 2D and 3D vectors
  • Know various notations used in vector algebra and how to convert between them.
  • Understand how to find the components of a vector and the length of a vector and how to use these ideas in context.
  • Know how to calculate a dot product and understand how it is related to whether or not two vectors are perpendicular.
  • Understand the difference between position vectors and displacement vectors and when and how they are used.
  • Know how to write and interpret vector equations of lines and understand how they can be used to describe the motion of an object.
  • Understand the relationship between the vector and rectangular forms of the same line and how they can be used to find the direction of and points on the line.
  • Understand how to find the intersection of two lines using vector equations (ie. without resorting to rectangular form)

A couple of notational notes:

  • If not otherwise defined in the problem, the letter O represents the origin (0, 0)
  • The term scalar product is synonymous with dot product.

Have a wonderful holiday and I will see you all back in the new year!
Mr. Alei

Pre-DP Assignments: Week of 12/17/12         (Last week - 12/10/12)

Mon, 12/17: Review, prepare formula sheets
Tue, 12/18: Semester Final on Quadratics and Vectors

Updated Exeter Problem List V.2
Quiz on Quadratics

The fine print: See sidebar at right for links to previous assignments. Click on linked assignments to download notes for that section.  Dates above are when homework is to be discussed.  This has changed as of this week!
Updated 12/16/12 1:44 pm        ManageBac        Edline