Algebra 2        Pre DP        SL 1        SL 2        HL 2        Resources

HL 2 - 1/21/13

We'll explore one more method for solving linear differential equations(non-homogeneous ...which does have an e after the n). We'll introduce the "integrating factor", fitting I suppose right after MLK day. I also decided to add a short quiz on Thursday and move right into sequences and series when it's done. The quiz will basically be one problem on each type of equation we've looked at, plus an Euler's method problem. See you in class!
Mr. Alei

HL 2 Assignments: Week of 1/21/13        (Last Week - 1/14/13)

Mon 1/21: MLK Day - No School!
Wed 1/23:
5.4.2: #1ef,2def-12 even (Integrating factor)
QB: 26,28,31*bc,32*b,33
See QB: 29,30*b
Fri 1/25: DE Quiz
1.1.1: #7,10,11 (Sequence notation)
1.1.2: #1 (Graphs of sequences)
1.2.1: #1def,2,3def,4bc,8 (Intuitive limits)

Option 10 Complete Unit Plan (QB included) (Updated 1/20/13)
PDF of IBID text book
IBID Solutions example (Edit the folder and filename in the URL to get other answers)
Smartboard Notes: Differential Equations
Sequences and Series Toolbox
IB Practice:
IB Separable DE Practice        MarkScheme
IB Option 10 Practice        MarkScheme

The fine print: See sidebar at right for links to previous assignments. Click on linked assignments to download notes for that section.  Dates above are when homework is assigned.  It is always due on the following class meeting.
Updated 1/20/13 8:55 pm       ManageBac        Edline