Welcome back folks. I hope you had a refreshing and restful break. As we head into Q4, let's just acknowledge that it gets increasingly difficult with the spring weather and summer approaching to stay focused. The good news is that the quarter will fly by and before you know it, another year will have passed. We have two more ideas to explore - first a continuation of exponentials and on to logarithms, then we'll finish off with some work on statistics and probability. So hitch up your wagons and let's get going! See you in class.
Mr. Alei
Algebra 2 Assignments: Week of 3/25/13 (Last Week- 3/4/13)
Mon 3/25: 7.1 p. 482 #8-23 by 3, 28-31 all, 35-38
Tue 3/26 & Wed 3/27: 7.2 p. 489 #10-25 by 3, 30-34 all
Thu 3/28: 7.3 #3-36 by 3, 39-41 all, 42-48 by 3, 55-59
Fri 3/29: Good Friday - no school
I block students can get a jump on HW by reading 7.3 and attempting the above HW
The fine print: See sidebar at right for links to previous assignments. Click on linked assignments to download notes for that section. Dates above are when homework is assigned. It is always due on the following class meeting.
Updated 3/18/13 4:30 pm A: ManageBac I: ManageBac A:Edline I: Edline