Welcome back folks. I hope you had a refreshing and restful break. As we head into Q4, let's just acknowledge that it gets increasingly difficult with the spring weather and summer approaching to stay focused. The good news is that the quarter will fly by and before you know it, another year will have passed. We will move into trig next. The early going is generally straightforward, but it tends to get confusing fast. So stay on top of things.
Your exploration is also due at the end of the quarter. While that may feel like a lot of time, it's really not, given other things on your plate. Stay up with the intermediate deadlines and you'll be fine. See you in class.
Mr. Alei
SL 1 Assignments: Week of 3/25/13 (Last week - 3/4/13)
Mon 3/25:
Handout: Review of Right Angle trig
8A: #1-4 odd cols, 5 all (Radian Measure)
Tue 3/26:
8B: #1-4, 7-12 (Arc length and sector area)
Thu 3/28:
8C.1: #1b,2a,3,4,5&6*,7bdf,8b,9 (Unit Circle & basic definitions)
8C.2: #1cd,2cd,3bd,4cd,5bd (Applications of unit circle)
QB: 3,10,13,20 (IB Practice)
Trig Unit Plan
Trig: Smartboard Notes
QB Trig Practice MarkScheme
Exploration Resources
Oxford chapter on Exploration
Example papers (score shown in parens)
Ex 1: Codes (15) Comments
Ex 2: Totient Theorem (16) Comments
Ex 4: Minesweeper (5) Comments
Ex 4: Music (9) Comments
Ex 5: Newton Raphson (11) Comments
Ex 6: Polar Diagrams (20) Comments
Ex 7: Rainfall (16) Comments
Ex 8: Spirals (16) Comments
Ex 9: Tower of Hanoi (14) Comments
Topic Ideas
sport, archaeology, computers, algorithms, cell phones, music, sine, musical harmony
motion, e, electricity, water, space, orbits, food, volcanoes, climate change, politics
diet, Euler, games, symmetry,architecture, codes, the internet, communication
tiling, population, agriculture, viruses, health, dance, play, pi (π), local food
geography, biology, business, economics,physics, chemistry,
information technology in a global society, psychology, advertising
The fine print: See sidebar at right for links to previous assignments. Click on linked assignments to download notes for that section. Dates above are when homework is assigned. It is always due on the following class meeting.
Updated 3/19/13 10:58 am ManageBac Edline