This will be a full week of work with trig functions. Much of what you see will build off your work last year with function transformations and graphing. If you miss class due to college meetings, please be sure to stay up with the work. Everyone is welcome to our review session on Wed right after school if you need some guidance. See you in class,
Mr. Alei
Updated 10/2 after class
SL 2 Assignments: Week of 10/1/12 (Last week - 9/24/12)
Mon 10/1:
10B.2: #1def,2,3,4bdfhj (Transforms of sine)
10C: #1,3,5 (Modeling with sine)
Wed 10/3:
10D: #1ghijkl,2-4 (Graphs of cosine) (Moved from Mon)
10E.1: #1dh,2 (Simple tangent)
10E.2: #1,2(predict, then graph),3 (Tangent transformations)
Fri 10/5:
10F: #1-2,3-6 3rd col, 7,8 (General Trig functions) (Moved from Wed)
10G.1: #1-4 (Trig equations from graphs)
10G.2: #1-2 (Trig equations w/calculator)
10G.3: #1,2bdfhj,4-6 (Trig equations analytically)
Trig Unit Plan Trig Without Tears (a great reference)
Smartboard Notes:
Ch 8-9: Triangle Trig
Ch 10: Function Trig
IB Practice: QB Trig Practice MarkScheme
Breakdown of Trig Questionbank Practice Problems
Italics means we've covered the material Red: New this week. Work on these problems.
Unit circle: 67
Arc & Sector: 3,10,13,17,20,27,33,37,43,45,55,58,69,74,77
Cosine Rule: 1,4,5,14,17,19,22,43,46,53,60,73
Sine Rule: 5,22,32,39,49,50,57,68(3D)
Area of triangle: 24,29,53
Graphs: 6,11,18,21,23,25,28,31,34,35,40,47,48,59,62,64,66,70,71,72,78
Double Angle: 2
Quadratic: 7,76
Trig equation: 16,26,30,36,42,51,52,54,61,63,65
Comprehensive: 8,15,44,56
Vector connection: 38,75
Wrong set - Skip these: 9,12,41
The fine print: See sidebar at right for links to previous assignments. Click on linked assignments to download notes for that section. Dates above are when homework is assigned. It is always due on the following class meeting.
Updated 10/2/12 10:30 pm Edline